Unique Home Inspections, Logo
(877) 754-2315
(855) 303-2UHI
11432 South Street, Suite 222
Cerritos, CA 90703
3943 Irvine Blvd, #543
Irvine CA 92602

Logo, Unique Home Inspections - Mold Inspectors

Condo Inspections

Identifying Conditions that lead to Mold.

IRI Logo - Mold Inspections

Don't let mold growth go undetected and contaminate the air within your home. 


Locating Troublesome Mold

Mold is a hazard that can cause serious health problems, such as respiratory issues, should it remain unnoticed. 

Missing grout/cracked tiles can lead to Mold Conditions

Missing Grout and Cracked Tiles Missing Grout and Cracked Tiles Effects Missing Grout Effects
Mold - Mold Inspections Mold - Mold Inspections on a Yellow Wall Mold - Mold Inspections White Walll




 Contact us to schedule a mold inspection to ensure your home is mold free